Fatimah Elite

You have found your way to this part of our site because you are:

  • A mother, father or guardian
  • A young woman or man with parents or guardians interested in helping you

*On your own and making your own decision? Head over to the Khadijah Elite area.

We’ve made the Fatimah Elite pathway for families. You can work with your family to find a great life partner.


To Support Families

This is the first Muslim matrimonial website that is designed to have parents sign up, invite their daughters and sons, and help guide them as they search for a spouse online.

Even though the parents are the ones registering, we only give full access of all features to the daughter or son. The parents have limited access, and their conversations are private and secure.

Getting to Know You

One of the big challenges to finding a life partner online is the issue of getting to know them. You will find the process on this site set us apart from all other matrimonial websites. Your search can be as wide and as narrow as you like

Whether you are looking for a very tall spouse with a degree in engineering that loves cats, cheesecake, reading on the weekends and enjoys sudoku, or someone who is of medium build, still studying, hikes and wilderness camps and speaks 14 languages, you can locate them on Fatimah Elite.

Keeping Track

What’s more, you can keep all your matches organized and easy to identify at a glance with Scorecards ™ . These are unique tools that give you a real-time snapshot of your progress with each match, and as they answer your interview questions, the scorecards are updated with your ratings to their answers. Did you forget which Hasan the medical student you felt a closer connection with? Just a glimpse at his scorecard will reveal the answer.

You will also be able to keep track of your progress and matches through our Journey Tracker ™ . If you’ve made a special connection to two or more matches, but some are in different phases with you, the Journey Tracker ™ makes it crystal clear for you.

Khadijah Elite is the main journey, so all the resources, courses and abilities to search and keep track of matches are the same for those in Khadijah Elite as in Fatimah Elite. The difference is that for Fatimah Elite, parents or guardians are the ones that initiated the registration.